Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology (UCI, expected 2028)
Matt studies the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying learning and memory in the mammalian brain.
Matt was born and raised in Orange County, CA. He was actually born at the UCI Medical Center to be exact! The ANT-cestry runs deep! At Occidental College in Los Angeles, Matt researched novel cell therapies for Parkinson's Disease in the lab of Dr. Kerry Thompson. After graduating with a B.A. in Cell and Molecular Biology, he worked as a lab technician in the lab of Dr. Diaz Alonso at UCI. He is now completing his PhD work in the Diaz Alonso lab using a variety of molecular techniques and manipulations to understand how proteins at the connection sites between neurons - termed synapses - in the brain contribute to memory formation, differentiation, and recall.
Why is science communication important to you personally?
I believe everyone deserves to be informed about the science that impacts them. It is the work of science communicators to make this possible - bridging the gap between scientists and the public. In this way, one does not need to be an scientific expert to understand the novel advances that are shaping their world today. By making sure everyone is informed and engaged with science, we can make discoveries more accessible and additional voices heard - leading how future science is conducted. Not to mention, it is great fun writing The Loh Down on Science scripts!