Ph.D.,Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, UCI 2018 expected
B.S., Microbiology, Minor in Spanish, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2012
Research: Mechanism of TDP2 activity regulation during picornavirus infections
Autumn Holmes is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. Autumn's thesis research aims to determine the role of a DNA repair enzyme, tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (TDP2), in the packaging of picornavirus genomic RNA. Specifically, Autumn’s project seeks to understand how TDP2 activity is regulated throughout picornavirus infection to strike the balance between unlinking a small viral protein, VPg, from the RNA and preserving the linkage to allow for RNA packaging to occur. In addition to her Ph.D. studies, Autumn is also the recipient of an NIH Diversity Supplement fellowship award.
Why is Science Communication important?
Science communication is important because it allows for cross-talk and collaboration across various scientific and non-science fields. Being able to break down field-specific jargon into more generalized language removes the knowledge barrier that may exist between people in different disciplines. This in turn opens the door to illuminate novel, fundamental links between fields. Altogether, effective communication helps to drive scientific innovation. To me, forming connections between diverse individuals and groups through shared knowledge is one of the most exciting and inspiring things about science.