Victoria Lim*


M.S., Ph.D., Chemistry, UCI, 2020 expected
B.S., Chemistry, Belmont University, 2015
B.S., Mathematics, Belmont University, 2015


Computer-aided drug design


Victoria Lim hails from Nashville, Tennessee, where she completed her undergraduate studies in Chemistry and Math at Belmont University. Victoria is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the labs of Dr. David Mobley and Dr. Doug Tobias at UCI. She uses computational techniques to understand biochemical problems for developing new pharmaceuticals. In addition to writing for the Loh Down on Science, Victoria serves as a Communications Consultant for the UCI Graduate Resource Center.

Why is science communication important to you?

A wise individual once stated, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." It is natural to feel fear towards the unknown. For some, this may be understanding biochemical pathways; for others, this may be changing the engine oil in a car. There is a steep learning curve to understanding science at the level of discovery. This may lead people to fear and attempt to discredit science. Effective science communication simplifies complex research findings beyond its highly specialized niches. Bridging this gap is an important step to unify society to tackle issues of our time.

*Managing editor term


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