Faith Flinkingshelt


Ph.D. Chemistry UC Irvine 2027 (expected)
B.A. Chemistry and Spanish Kalamazoo College 2022.


I research alternative renewable energy options for hydrogen production and the transformation of carbon dioxide into useful products.


Faith graduated from Kalamazoo College, Michigan in 2022 with a B.A. in chemistry and spanish. There, she worked in Dr. Daniela Arias-Rotondo's lab making new compounds for light driven Ruthenium chemistry and developed a passion for inorganic chemistry. Once starting a PhD program in chemistry at UC Irvine, she joined Dr. Jenny Y. Yang's lab, where she explores electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction and renewable hydrogen energy production. Outside of the lab, Faith enjoys hiking, baking, and exploring local coffee shops around SoCal.

Why is science communication important to you?

As scientists, we tend to focus on the research or question that we want to answer. However, without communicating our science effectively, our work is less impactful and loses significance. Science communication is how research connects with communities and informs them about scientific advances so that they can understand new technologies and treatments released from industry. I believe that through communicating cool science effectively, we can work to demystify scientific advances and make science entertaining for the public!

Click here for Loh Downs by Faith!