Sad Snoozers

Yawn! I’m tired, and also… sad?

This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science.

Ever had a poor night’s sleep? You probably felt sluggish and struggled to get through the day. You’re not alone – more than thirty percent of adults are sleep deprived!

Cara Palmer and team from Montana State University wondered how reduced sleep affects our mood.

They analyzed data from over one hundred past studies on sleep deprivation. In all studies, researchers disrupted participants’ sleep. They kept them awake, allowed shortened sleep time, or awoke them throughout the night. The studies also measured at least one emotional variable. Think happiness, anxiety, or depression.

Results? Less sleep was associated with experiencing fewer positive emotions, like happiness, and increased anxiety. Sleep loss also decreased emotional reactivity. This means sleep deprived participants react less to both positive and negative experiences.

The effects of sleep deprivation go beyond being tired! This study highlights another reason why getting enough sleep is important!

Hurray. Another good excuse for a midday nap!

Reference: Palmer, C. A., Bower, J. L., Cho, K. W., Clementi, M. A., Lau, S., Oosterhoff, B., & Alfano, C. A. (2023). Sleep loss and emotion: A systematic review and meta-analysis of over 50 years of experimental research. Psychological Bulletin, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified.