Lethargic Lizards

Lizard sunbathing

BRRR! Weather report: chilly with a chance of falling LIZARDS?! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Like Florida retirees, tropical lizards LOVE the heat! If temperatures get too low, they get cold-stunned and can’t move. They can even fall right out of trees! Recently, South

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Lethargic Lizards

Lizard sunbathing

BRRR! Weather report: chilly with a chance of falling LIZARDS?! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Like Florida retirees, tropical lizards LOVE the heat! If temperatures get too low, they get cold-stunned and can’t move. They can even fall right out of trees! Recently, South

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Morning Workout

Trying to burn those extra calories? Have a second cup! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science and some mocha-licious news. Nothing gets you going like that cup of morning joe! But can coffee BURN calories? Virginie Sottile and her team from the University of Nottingham

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