Egg-stra Large Eggs

Dinosaur seating on the top of its eggs

Baby dinosaur or…Jurassic omelette? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Most birds incubate their eggs by sitting on them.  But how did big, heavy dinosaurs warm their eggs without smashing them? This question captured the attention of Kohei Tanaka. He studies Oviraptorosaur fossils. Parent Oviraptorosaurs

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Soft Dino Shells

A clutch of soft-shelled snake eggs surrounded by dirt

Which came first? The chicken or the soft shelled egg?  This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. For ages it was believed that dinosaur eggs were hard shelled – like chicken eggs! But is there a crack in that theory?  Mark Norell and colleagues from the

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Egg-stra Large Eggs

Baby dinosaur or…Jurassic omelette? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Most birds incubate their eggs by sitting on them. But how did big, heavy dinosaurs warm their eggs without smashing them? This question captured the attention of Kohei Tanaka. He studies Oviraptorosaur fossils. Parent Oviraptorosaurs

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