The Sunscreen Paradox

What IS the sunscreen paradox??? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. The sun screen paradox is a phenomenon where a population has high rates of skin cancer despite high awareness. There’s a high incidence of this in Canada. But how does it happen? Sauliha Alli

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Coral Conundrum

An up close image of coral underwater. The coral in the foreground is bleached white while the coral in the background is brown. Small fish swim in the background.

Could fun in the sun – mean grief in the reef? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. The sun’s ultraviolet rays cause suntans, sunburns… and an increased risk of skin cancer.  Sunscreen protects our skin by using chemicals like oxybenzone to absorb harmful UV rays.

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Can cameras “see” invisible light? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with The Loh Down on Science. My sunscreen protects against U-V-A and U-V-B, but what about U-V-C!?!?!? Yes, there is a THIRD type of U-V light! Fortunately we are protected from it by the earth’s ozone. UNfortunately, there are weak

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Coral Conundrum

An up close image of coral underwater. The coral in the foreground is bleached white while the coral in the background is brown. Small fish swim in the background.

Could fun in the sun – mean grief in the reef? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. The sun’s ultraviolet rays cause suntans, sunburns… and an increased risk of skin cancer. Sunscreen protects our skin by using chemicals like oxybenzone to absorb harmful U-V rays.

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