Make Your Own Antiprism

Illustrator and craft blogger Rachel Basinger teaches you how to make your own 3-D Antiprism sculptures. Courtesy of Guardian News & Media Ltd. Materials: four straws, scissors, and some bakers twine (available online here). Step 1: Cut your straws into thirds. Take three pieces of your straw and thread them on

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Pets Article by Nora Bradford!

Nora Bradford, Hiver writer has recently published an article about PETS with Southern California News Group (SCNG)! Nora says, “In a world where science is so central in solving problems around climate change, the pandemic, and a multitude of other issues, it’s our responsibility as scientists to make scientific literature more

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Lily shares science with comedy

Hive writer, Lily Li, participated in UCI’s Science Riot to teach science through standup! Humor plays an important role in effective communication and Lily said it’s “really fun to share with people a little bit about the field that I work in and why I find it so exciting. The performance

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Janielle Wins Fellowship

The Loh Down on Science is proud to announce that Hive writer, Janielle Vidal, has been awarded the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship which aims to increase dissertation and thesis completion amongst doctoral students. Janielle says, “I am so grateful to receive this prestigious award from UCI’s Graduate Division. It will

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Lily successfully defends!

Hive writer, Lily Li, successfully defended her Ph.D. Dissertation and is now Dr. Li! Lily got her Ph.D. in Developmental and Cell Biology and the title of her dissertation was “Demystifying the relationship between DNA sequence features and regulatory function”. Congratulations, Lily!

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Ancient DNA

Tuatara (kind of reptile)

Fans of Jurassic Park, listen up! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. The tuatara is an ancient reptile with close ties to dinosaurs. It looks like a lizard, but has TEETH — and triple-digit birthdays! What makes this critter so special? Neil Gemmell and an

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Two fish swimming in tank

  Beam me up… Nemo!?! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Would Dory and Nemo really be friends? What if they’re swimming in different oceans? Studying social interactions among animals is hard, but doing it long-distance seems impossible! Maurizio Porfiri and colleagues at New York

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Talking Hands

A female with her hand outstretched towards the camera.

Talk to the hand… nooo really, talk to the hand. This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Learning a new language is HARD! Thankfully, new apps can translate words in real time. But what about American Sign Language? Enter Jun Chen and colleagues from the University

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