Do-nuts. Wait!! Are you on keto?
This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science.
Keto’s low carb, high fat diet deprives you of glucose. Your body starts burning its fat reserves. Then come the fun cheat days! No?
Meet Cody Durrer and colleagues from the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Before and after a seven day keto diet, they asked nine healthy young men to drink a seventy-five-gram sugar drink. Think two Big Gulps!
From their blood samples, subjects showed evidence of blood vessel damage. There were also elevated levels of tiny sacs called endothelial microparticles, which may cause blood vessel inflammation and dysfunction.
So short-term keto followed by a sugar splurge may harm you! Better cross those cheat days off the calendar!
In the meantime? Bacon. Not chocolate covered.
Reference: Durrer, C., Lewis, N., Wan, Z., Ainslie, P. N., Jenkins, N. T., & Little, J. P. (2019). Short-Term Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat Diet in Healthy Young Males Renders the Endothelium Susceptible to Hyperglycemia-Induced Damage, An Exploratory Analysis. Nutrients, 11(3), 489.