Stone-Age Bouquet

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet… even to dinosaurs? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Flowers from one hundred million years ago had different standards of beauty. Scientists believe they looked differently from today’s flowers, lacking the colorful petals bees love.

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Hivers win chemistry department awards

One of our former managing editors, Lauren Fleming (left photo), was awarded the E.K.C. Lee fellowship award from the Chemistry department at the Edward K. C. Lee Lecture and Award Dinner on May 22, 2019. The award is given “to support an outstanding student in chemistry” for their research accomplishments. She

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Survival of the Loudest

Who’s tough enough to survive on ….The Voice?! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Animals must compete for food, mates, and other resources to win the survival race. The successful ones tend to be larger or more physically formidable than their opponents. But size can

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“Explained by Nerds”

What exactly is slime? Is activated charcoal the solution to all your health problems? Check out the answers on the YouTube channel, Explained by Nerds! This short video series is produced by one of our hivers, Krista Fruehauf, and award-winning science communicator Megan Newcomb. Their goal is to explain the

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Hivers slam dunk at Grad Slam

Four of our very own ascend the ranks at UC Irvine Grad Slam! Contestants are challenged to explain the blood, sweat, and tears of their graduate research in just THREE minutes. The winner goes on to compete in the system-wide competition among all the Universities of California. This year, Karen

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Mind Over Molecules

Which is more powerful? Nature or nurture? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science, saying – what about “mind control?” Some aspects of our physiology and personality are encoded by our genes. And we know that environmental factors are also important. Bradley Turnwald and colleagues at

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Guilty Pleasures

Hark! Is that the ice cream truck I hear? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Trips are fun — but guilt trips are not! Guilt shapes much of our actions, for better or worse. But can we control those guilty feelings? Kristen Duke and On

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